Mikayla Apiti
Te Whakatōhea
Te Kotahi Research Institute – University of Waikato
Ko Tarakeha tōku Maunga,
Ko Opepe tōku awa,
Ko Opape tōku Marae,
Ko Ngai Tamahaua tōku hapū,
Ko Te Whakatōhea tōku iwi,
Ko Mātaatua tōku waka.
He uri tēnei nō Te Whakatōhea, Tainui, me Ngāti Porou hoki .
Ko Mikayla Apiti tōku ingoa.
E whai ana au i tōku tohu paetahi mo te ture, me te ara Matauranga Māori.
I will graduate in December 2020 with my Undergraduate Conjoint Degree in Law and Māori & Indigenous Studies with a minor in Te Reo Māori. Alongside my final semester of my Undergraduate I have studied my Professional Studies. I hope to be admitted to the bar (in Te Reo Māori) early 2021 if COVID-19 permits. I aim to use my qualification in the best way possible, to help our people.
I have had the absolute privilege of clerking at Kāhui Legal, a Māori Law Firm here in New Zealand which gave me exposure to different areas of law including but not limited to Criminal, Environment, Corporate and Māori Land. I interned at Raukawa Charitable Trust, a Post Treaty Governance Entity, where I learnt about Māori Governance under some amazing Māori leadership. I have performed many roles in regard to Māori achievement, change, advocacy, and opportunity at the University of Waikato. I am honoured that shortly I will begin clerking at Tu Pono Legal.
I am excited to have been selected as an ENRICH Scholar and believe that the research we are undertaking has the potential to positively impact indigenous communities around the world.
Nōku te whiwhi!