Professor Jane Anderson
ENRICH Co-Director
New York University
Jane Anderson is an Associate Professor at New York University in Lenapehoking (New York) and Global Fellow in the Engelberg Center for Innovation Law and Policy in the Law School at NYU. Jane has a Ph.D. in Law from the Law School at University of New South Wales in Australia. Their work is focused on intellectual and cultural property law, Indigenous rights and the protection of Indigenous/traditional knowledge and cultural heritage.
For the last 20 years Jane has been working for and with Indigenous communities to find, access, control, and regain authority and ownership of Indigenous cultural and intellectual property collections and data within universities, libraries, museums and archives. Jane has worked in international policy contexts with the World Intellectual Property Organization and written international guidelines for cultural institutions supporting repatriation and restitution of Indigenous collections and accompanying intellectual property. With the Penobscot Nation in Maine, Jane runs training workshops for US-based Tribes on IP law, policy and support for tribal decision making about research conducted on Indigenous lands and waters.
Jane is the co-founder (with Professor Kim Christen, Washington State University) of Local Contexts.